Friday, October 18, 2013

Last night I gave a speech to our group about the "Path to the Declaration of Independence."  It was about 18 minutes long, which includes about a minute of applause that I received.  It surprised me.  But this taught me that people want to learn about our history and our government.

As I study for these presentations, I am constantly reminded of how much there is to learn.  The spider web of subject matter presents strands that point to many different directions and all of them are interesting.  Nobody can learn everything.  I keep in mind that what I do learn is the traditional molehill next to a mountain.  There is so much to learn.

This brings me to the liberals.  The prevailing drone from their termite nest is that they are smarter than the conservatives.  They think this way as they drive our nation into greater and greater debt.  Why don't they stop and think of what they are doing?  Short answer:  they feel they don't have to.

A friend of mine is a political writer, his name is Burt Prelutsky.  He wrote a book that called liberals "America's Termites."  He covered how they worked in harmony to destroy the framework of this nation, from the family to the businesses to the government.  All is infested with these parasites.

But I started thinking further than Burt's text.  You don't hear of termites joining unions or seeking employment in other termite communities.  The bugs have a mission from the time they are hatched, and that is to devour the framework of whatever wood they can find.  But they do this as a family, or a team.

Now, what signal causes them to work as a team?  In the bug's case we do not know.  But in today's liberal case, we do.  It's the signals from their politicians and their doting press organism.  The signal is there:  democrats are good.  republicans bad.  tea party bad.  This is the theme, over and over and over and over.

To follow that signal, you don't have to have a brain.  This explains why the national debt means nothing to a liberal.

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